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Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Symphony of Modern Humanity

They say that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Well, I didn't die. I had decided to end this blog, truly feeling like I no longer had the heart to write anything more. How could I speak from a heart that felt like solid stone? However, like the spring after a cold winter (wishful thinking on my part there), I have softened up enough to find words again.

You may commence celebrating in whatever way seems best to you.

I feel a lot of the times like I'm fighting a one-man battle against the rest of the world, and the odds are clearly not in my favor. In particular, I find an irritating correlation between hoping for something good to happen, something that seems on the track to success, and then *BAM* World uses Crush Hopes and Dreams (it's super effective!). 

World and I have a very love-hate relationship :/

I have a rather special ability, however. It's one that I don't always appreciate having, and it has hurt me more than once. I have the ability to isolate my logical and emotional faculties from each other, and consider them individually, unbiased by the other. The positive (and negative) applications of this are rather obvious: The right answer is easier to reach, but sometimes it's REALLY not what you like, and you'd rather take ignorance. Such is life.

As such, I can consider all the things that I didn't think were particularly "right" from both perspectives. On one hand, I have my emotional faculty that shouts, "I wanted that! That's what I wanted to happen! That looked so good!" Meanwhile, my logic calmly (and somewhat arrogantly, the pompous know-it-all) says to me, "You don't know that. Perhaps there were unseen variables. Oh, and look now. Some things don't look as good as they did before, do they? Maybe you just got a save."

See? Told you he was ruthless. Worst part is, the logic is probably in the right. Don't you just hate that??? Can we just go back to kindergarten? Life was so much easier.. *sigh*

Anyway, enough about that. Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

In case you all haven't noticed, my blog posts are almost always titled with some line from a song or something. My fascination with music is something we have already discussed in depth. This particular phrase comes from the old Switchfoot song "Adding to the Noise." It also has NO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER to anything I'm spouting out in this post.

You: "But Christian, that makes no sense. You're just going to confuse people."


Yes, that would be me. I can do whatever I please here. I win. It's all I do :)

Also, I'm using a lot of all caps in this post... curious.

Anyway, I am tired, and cannot think of anything more to write. So, I will leave you with words of encouragement, though not my own.

"In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame. Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me. Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress." -Psalms 71:1-3

I'm back friends, and here to stay. 

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
The Wayfaring Stranger

1 comment:

  1. It seems like every time I finish reading your blog posts, I feel somewhat dazed...I'm not sure if it's due to your use of caps (which makes me feel like you're shouting at me) or the fact that you encompass so many aspects of existence into one post. Either way, I'm impressed.
    Keep it up.
    I honestly don't believe that you will ever run out of things to say.
