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Monday, November 22, 2010

Chapel Say WHAT?

Since this IS a blog about Truth, I shall be honest: Chapel at OC and I do not always get a long. I have probably slept through as many as I have participated in. That (while in some people's mind may ultimately count against my salvation) is beside the point. Today was a monumentous occasion: Not only did I stay awake, and pay attention... I TOOK NOTES.

I did so because today's speaker was dead on with what I'm shooting for with In Nomine Veritas.

Let me give you a quick rundown of what his message was:

Truth is a totally dynamic concept, and difficult to understand. This is because Truth is NOT (as some might think) a collection of data, where you have all the information that adds up to equal Truth. Sorry kids, doesn't really work that way. Our biggest mistake is thinking that Truth is something we learn. In reality, Truth is something we EXPERIENCE. It's something we have to live, something that is found by individuals in their own ways.

In John 18:37-38, a showdown takes place between two powers, with a profound resolution.

"'You are a king, then!' said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." "What is truth?" retorted Pilate."

Pilate's question is one that every human asks at some point in life. Little did Pilate know, he was about to destroy the physical manifestation of the answer to his question. I think Pilate realized that something was different about Jesus. John's account shows him trying with all his power to set Jesus free. Now, some would contend that Pilate merely has a strong sense of justice in the face of the ridiculous charges brought against Jesus, but I contend that there is something more to Pilate. In his brief encounter with Christ, I think Pilate understands that this is more than a man, that what he says carries a power beyond this world. But, because God's plan had to be fulfilled, Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified.

I said earlier that Pilate destroyed his answer. I say this because Jesus explicitly gives the answer to his question in John 14:5-6.
"Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"  Jesus answered, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the father except through me."

Pilate wondered, "What is Truth?" Jesus answers "I am Truth." If we seek the answers to life, if we really want to discover Truth, there is only one source, and that is Christ. When we accept him, and his message, we are transformed. We are transformed by Truth.

And now for a little bit of housekeeping:
Not all of my posts will be like this. I just did it because it fit in with my theme. A lot of the time it will be just commentary on life, as I try to "figure it out" and such. Or it'll be the funny stuff that happens in a college student's life. Also, I'm going to try to post daily or at least every other day. Knowing me, that rate will decrease over time, but at least I'm setting goals...

Anyway, hope everyone has a blessed week. I'm off to stuff my face with pizza.

Grace and Peace be with you,
The Wayfaring Stranger

1 comment:

  1. Taking a look through the eyes of Psychology. When you address the human mind (that being of perception) you follow up with the idea that everything isn't as it seems.

    Through many experiments (scientifically accurate and derived through the extinction of human bias) psychologists have formed terms such as

    Confirmation Bias - The phenomena of seeing facts that aren't there to confirm your belief

    Self-fulfilling Prophecy - If you think something will turn out a certain way, then most likely it will (I.E: Wow this is going to suck, yep it sucked all right)

    And many more which i will not address cause it has little to no relevance.

    If you take these two concepts and apply them to today's chapel then clearly you see that "truth" is a imperfect form of perception. In fact if you think about it, truth is merely a human concept that is black and white (such the world isn't). Therefore, Truth is absolutely, in no way shape or form an "experience" because in the concept of "truth" being the perfect definate, then you can't begin to even grasp through a flawed perception.

    Take this even further and there and below you have an idea that may just clear light on the whole "I know what i'm talking about" scenario.

    Don't believe me? look it up.
