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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Back, Friends

Well, the Thanksgiving festivities are over. I would have blogged about Thanksgiving and being thankful and stuff, but... well, I downloaded a trial version of EVE Online, and I literally played till five in the morning. CONSISTENTLY. I may need to seek professional help for that problem, but that is beside the point.


Yes folks, I'm back on campus, and as such feel that it is time to once more take up my pen- er, keyboard- and write.

This time around, I don't have any really insightful, Truth-filled message for you to think about. Tonight (or this morning, if you will) I just plan to talk about whatever comes to my mind... so here goes.


Now, allow me to elaborate... I actually missed the actual ceremony. The pomp and circumstance surrounding lighting up the campus, while interesting, wasn't the big picture. The attraction of that event for me was seeing the lights and realizing... it's almost that time again.

For those that don't know me, Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love how the weather gets cold, the decorations go up, and everyone gets this certain... feeling to them. Everyone knows, the best time of year is almost here. For my part, I love Christmas music. Whether it's classic carols or my beloved Nat King Cole CD, Christmas music is near and dear to my heart.  I derive some of my greatest pleasure from music. When I listen to it, it flows through me, taking control of thought and emotion. When I make it, it taps into a joy like no other. Point being, I LOVE MUSIC. So you can imagine how I enjoyed caroling last night with some very dear friends of mine.  Yes, we did get lost a time or two... but we also sang together, listened to crazy jams in my car, and enjoyed the company of each other and music. It was a magical experience. Second best night of college so far (sorry friends, Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert still takes the cake). It really put me in the Christmas spirit. My only regret is knowing that I won't be spending my actual Christmas with them, as we all return to our individual homes and families, but we'll be together in spirit.

Finals week approaches! Translation: we are going to drain every last ounce of energy and joy from your life for a week, so that you can be all the more excited for the freedom when you're done.
Ok, that wasn't a totally accurate assessment... as a Theatre major, I do next to nothing in the way of finals. However, I do have some, and they are looming. Be prepared!

I also have to make an apology to one I love dearly, whom I have not been very attentive to recently. So here goes:

My Dearest,
My heart is filled with regret for disregarding you so these past days. I find myself thinking about you all day, wishing to spend my nights with you. I long to feel your warmth and softness. I pray that you will receive me and my apologies with open arms, that I may rest in your embrace. My dearest Bed... will you have me back?
Your Wayward Lover,

And THAT, folks, is what happens when you stay up too late consistently: you write classic love letters to inanimate objects. How cute. Hope my parents don't read this and check me into therapy...

And, on that note, I shall call it a night. My bed calls, and tomorrow is an early morning for me. Hope everyone has a great couple of days, and look for more posts as the week goes on.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
The Wayfaring Stranger

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