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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


If you're anything like me, music can single-handedly control the outcome of your day. It's a scary power to be possessed by something so simple as sound. However, it's true. Music holds a power over the heart, mind, and soul. I have even taken to creating playlists on my iPod themed around a frame of mind, such as "Anger", "Depression", "Joy", "Peace", and "Energy". Each one has a compilation of music that complements a frame of mind. I listen to a playlist to augment my mood... or to change it. If you've never done this, give it a try. It really is worthwhile.

Anyway, my musical collection is highly eclectic. If my iPod is put on shuffle, I can go from Demon Hunter to Dvorak to Switchfoot to the soundtrack from Les Miserables. The only things you will not find are rap and country. I refuse. 

Anyway, when it comes to needing a pick-me-up, my first thought is to turn to Acappella. This group has been together since the early 80's. Over the years, the lineup has changed several times, but the group's purpose has stayed true to two principles: making music with nothing more than the sounds of their own voices, and exalting their Heavenly Father in song and deed. I exaggerate not when I say that 1/10 of the songs on my iPod are Acappella, I have well over 100. Lucky me to attend college where I do, as the group is based here. Yes, it makes me supremely happy. 

Anyway, Acappella seems to have a song for whatever mood I'm in, but regardless of the starting mood, I always end up in one spot: contentment. If the world is pressing in on me, it brings me peace. If I'm angry, it calms my passions. If I'm depressed, it picks me up. If I'm joyful... well, look out, I'm about to be in a supremely good mood!

In the Bible, music and singing is mentioned almost 200 independent times! If nothing else, God is telling His children that He has given them the gift of music for His glory. In Ephesians 5:19-20, it says,  "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

I know not what Heaven will be like, it is a concept beyond mortal understanding... but I believe that the language of heaven is music, that all things will be songs and music for the exaltation of the Lord. What a day that will be!

"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." Psalms 104:33

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance, and may your heart be full of song,
The Wayfaring Stranger

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