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Friday, December 24, 2010

Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart and hand in hand.

Ok, I apologize that it's been forever since i last wrote... being home and whatnot has robbed me of will and inspiration to write. However, it is Christmas Eve, and I'll be darned if I don't write a Christmas post!

Thusfar, my Christmas has been... interesting. I watched an irate customer tear into a Walmart cashier because her machine wouldn't scan all of his pathetic gift cards at once. I watched people fight each other over carts in the parking lot. I have almost been run over twice, and my car almost hit four times... all in one trip to the store. 

What the heck, people? When did "Merry Christmas" translate to "I'm going to kill you over a parking spot"? I'm usually a Christmas fanatic. I love this time of year, I really do. However, the commercialism of the holidays is getting ridiculous. 

The solution is simple: go read a kid's book.

Dr. Seuss' "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" is a tradition in our house. We always watch the original cartoon version before presents are opened on Christmas Eve (can't wait!) and I pretty much have it memorized at this point. It's a masterpiece, and I don't say that with any sarcasm whatsoever. Seriously. Seuss was nothing short of a genius.

I'm sure all of you have read or seen the story of The Grinch. If you haven't, you're pretty much a terrible American. Seriously, if you don't know the story of The Grinch... the terrorists win. However, for those that may not have read it, or have forgotten, let me break it down for you:

The Who's of Who-ville love Christmas, but The Grinch hates Christmas more than anything else. As a result, he dresses as Santa, and steals all of the Christmas things from every Who in Who-ville, reasoning that, if there's no Christmas presents and decoration, there won't be Christmas. He takes all of the stuff up to the top of Mount Crumpit to destroy all of it, when the following takes place:

"Pooh-pooh to the Whos!" he was grinch-ish-ly humming.
"They're finding out now that no Christmas is coming!
"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!
"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two
"The all the Whos down in Who-ville will all cry BOO-HOO!"

"That's a noise," grinned the Grinch,
"That I simply must hear!"
So he paused. And the Grinch put a hand to his ear.
And he did hear a sound rising over the snow.
It started in low. Then it started to grow...

But the sound wasn't sad!
Why, this sound sounded merry!
It couldn't be so!
But it WAS merry! VERY!
He stared down at Who-ville!
The Grinch popped his eyes!
Then he shook!
What he saw was a shocking surprise!

Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small,
Was singing! Without any presents at all!
He HADN'T stopped Christmas from coming!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!

And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
"It came without packages, boxes or bags!"
And he puzzled three hours, `till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store.
"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"

And what happened then...? Who-ville they say
That the Grinch's small heart
Grew three sizes that day!

The Grinch, having realized the true meaning of Christmas wasn't something that could be bought, but only something that comes from the heart, he brings back everything to Who-ville, and celebrates with the Who's, even carving the Roast Beast for the Christmas dinner. 

The point here is obvious: Christmas isn't something that is bought, or wrapped, or cooked, or made. Christmas is something that comes solely from the heart. Christmas is about being with family. It's about giving, not getting and, as The Grinch learned, doesn't require anything more than family and a song to come. 

But even then, Christmas means a little bit more...

"And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. 

This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising  God and saying, 

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the other shepherds said to one another, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about." So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger." Luke 2:8-16

Yes, Mr. Grinch, Christmas DOES mean a little bit more. It's not something in packages, boxes or bags. But Christmas is a child, wrapped in cloth, lying in a manger. 

So spend your Christmas with family and friends, telling them how grateful you are for them. Keep the spirit of Christmas alive with giving and celebrating. Above all, remember the reason for Christmas: the celebration of the lowly birth of the Savior of mankind, Christ our King.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance, and let your heart grow a few sizes today,
The Wayfaring Stranger

Also, a shout-out to my roommate Lane, who lost his grandmother today. Our prayers are with you, my brother.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life Begins at the Intersection

Let it be known: First, I am writing this to avoid writing my Comm II final paper. Also, I am listening to Acappella and drinking tea, so life is VERY good.

The title of this post comes from one of my favorite songs by Switchfoot, a song called "Faust, Midas, and Myself". It deals with deciding how you're going to live life, and what priorities you are going to have, and just being overcome with uncertainty about direction. The line comes as a powerful declaration after repeatedly asking, "What direction?"

You know that feeling when you read a verse, and it just speaks to you, giving you exactly what you need right here and now? Yeah, I found one, and it's ironically one of my favorite verses, that simply hadn't occurred to me. In Jeremiah 29:11-13, it says the following: ‎"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek my with all your heart." 

See, life takes all kinds of twists and turns, it's practically a maze! Fortunately, this verse reveals a few truths:

First: There is ALWAYS a plan. Whatever happens, God always has a plan for each one of us. Wherever we end up, there is a reason for it, and a finish that is for the glory of God.

Second: God is always listening. No cry goes unheard, no prayer unanswered, no praise unaccepted. Lay your burdens on the Lord, and he will lighten them. Although the outcome may not be what you think it should be, or what you'd like it to be, but it is always for the best.

Third: God will reveal himself to those who seek him fully. God's will becomes clearer the less we burden ourselves with worldly desires and cares. The less we focus on what we want, the better able we are to see His will and plan.

Well, I've said my peace, and a paper calls. School's almost over, and I couldn't be happier!

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
The Wayfaring Stranger


If you're anything like me, music can single-handedly control the outcome of your day. It's a scary power to be possessed by something so simple as sound. However, it's true. Music holds a power over the heart, mind, and soul. I have even taken to creating playlists on my iPod themed around a frame of mind, such as "Anger", "Depression", "Joy", "Peace", and "Energy". Each one has a compilation of music that complements a frame of mind. I listen to a playlist to augment my mood... or to change it. If you've never done this, give it a try. It really is worthwhile.

Anyway, my musical collection is highly eclectic. If my iPod is put on shuffle, I can go from Demon Hunter to Dvorak to Switchfoot to the soundtrack from Les Miserables. The only things you will not find are rap and country. I refuse. 

Anyway, when it comes to needing a pick-me-up, my first thought is to turn to Acappella. This group has been together since the early 80's. Over the years, the lineup has changed several times, but the group's purpose has stayed true to two principles: making music with nothing more than the sounds of their own voices, and exalting their Heavenly Father in song and deed. I exaggerate not when I say that 1/10 of the songs on my iPod are Acappella, I have well over 100. Lucky me to attend college where I do, as the group is based here. Yes, it makes me supremely happy. 

Anyway, Acappella seems to have a song for whatever mood I'm in, but regardless of the starting mood, I always end up in one spot: contentment. If the world is pressing in on me, it brings me peace. If I'm angry, it calms my passions. If I'm depressed, it picks me up. If I'm joyful... well, look out, I'm about to be in a supremely good mood!

In the Bible, music and singing is mentioned almost 200 independent times! If nothing else, God is telling His children that He has given them the gift of music for His glory. In Ephesians 5:19-20, it says,  "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

I know not what Heaven will be like, it is a concept beyond mortal understanding... but I believe that the language of heaven is music, that all things will be songs and music for the exaltation of the Lord. What a day that will be!

"I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live." Psalms 104:33

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance, and may your heart be full of song,
The Wayfaring Stranger

Monday, December 13, 2010

Zombie? Yeah, I am one.

Let it be known that I am writing this on one hour of sleep. I am not responsible.

Sorry I've been down for so long. The last week has been... hectic. The term "Dead Week" does, in fact, mean the following:

The point of this week is to ensure that you are dead by the end of it... in time for finals.

I have found the one similarity between college and high school: as the end of a term of study approaches, the instructor realizes, "Oh crap. I have failed to convey every little bit of knowledge that my students need to know in the time allotted. There is only one solution to my dilemma..."


And so a few weeks' worth of studies is crammed into two days. As such, brains melt. Hence the phenomenon known as the "college zombie".

Spawned by a combination of overworked mental capacities, lack of sleep, and terribly junky foods, the college zombie is a being devoted to a single cause: go to classes... then die. College zombies don't interact with each other, except rare social interactions on the internet, i.e. the Facebook site. College zombies, however, can be cured, unlike normal zombies. The cure comes in the form of a prolonged period of rest, what is known as "break". This is the Mecca of a college student. Some doubt it exists.

I am happy to say, I am done with finals (with the exception of juries) so recovery is in motion. I may return to stabbing people in Renaissance-era Italy. Yay!

That's all I got, folks. Hope you all survive.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
The Wayfaring Stranger

Monday, December 6, 2010


I am on a blogging roll! WOO! I feel so empowered...

Despite the fact that I am running on a grand total of 40 MINUTES of sleep. I fell asleep at 6:20 this morning. This was not due to my usual stay-up-till-ridiculous-hours-of-the-night excuse. This one was legitimate. My roommate Lane was coming down with something bad all night (shout out to Lanebo by the way, you can find him and his blog at ). He also had a lot of work to get done, so I stayed up with him, giving him tea and medicine, and just generally trying to support him. In short, I was fulfilling my sworn obligations as a Bro. It's what we do. He's got my back, and I have his, and if it means getting no sleep and buying orange juice at 10 in the morning... it's what I do.

Now, before anyone gets the wrong idea, I'm not complaining about what I did last night. I was more than happy to support a brother in his time of need. He would have done the same for me, and he supports me in other ways all the time. As brothers, it's an unwritten creed between us. Which brings me to the concept of "brotherhood." Now, granted, my perception of the word is a bit colored right now by a certain game, where the concept of a "brotherhood" is a band of highly trained assassins ready to strike any target at my signal... But I digress.

Being in a brotherhood carries special meaning. There are some rules, of course, but mostly it's just a strong bond between a group of men, who all care about each other and support each other. I have my group of "Bros" that I hold in higher esteem than others, for no other reason than because they are my Bros.

You know who else was a sweet group of Bros? Jesus and his disciples. 

Now before you start getting all "Now, wait just one minute!..." on me, think about it. This group of guys went everywhere and did everything together. Jesus didn't just teach these men... he was a friend to them, and they to him. Jesus was very much human, and the disciples fulfilled the roles of friendship his humanity required. Not to mention that it wasn't just work for them. Jesus' first miracle, the water into wine, takes place at a wedding party! Jesus and his disciples were guests, there to enjoy the celebration and friendship. They were having fun! This was a group of guys, bound together by faith and friendship. They were Bros. 

Now, if you're wondering what the point of this is, let me get down to it: What I did for Lane, I did without complaint because he's my brother. I wouldn't have made that sacrifice for just anyone...


In Matthew 25, Jesus tells the parable of the sheep and the goats. He grants the sheep entrance to the Kingdom, because they cared for him in all of his sufferings. Of course, they had never seen him suffering, and are confused. Jesus gives the following answer:
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

Yeah... Jesus basically told his disciples, "Look out there. Anyone and everyone you see... that's a brother or sister to you. Treat them the same way as you would treat me if I was in need. That's what I'm all about."

Now, let me be clear: I am NOT inviting everyone I know to come knocking on my door first anytime they need something... I value sleep, I really do. But my prayer is this: that I open my eyes to see that "Brotherhood"is something that I share with everyone. My prayer is that I would be willing to make the same sacrifices I made for Lane for anyone who needed it of me. That's what living faith is all about. 

So let me ask... who's part of your brotherhood?

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance, 
The Wayfaring Stranger

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Who's the Pilot?

It's early in the evening yet, and I haven't had the Energy Drink of Death tonight, so I'm a bit more lucid than usual when I sit down to write. As it is, I'm a bit sobered tonight, as the weight of many things comes to bear on me (if this sounds depressing, read on, not all is lost)

See, my general feeling is that life has not gone quite as I had intended it to go. I'm coming up on the end of my first semester of college, and where do I find myself? I'm worn thin. The physical is tired of the constant abuses my self-imposed schedules have placed upon it. The mental is strained from the new standards that have been placed upon it to perform for education's sake. The emotional is shattered from taking, giving, and witnessing so much heartache, heartbreak, and unfulfillment. Even the spiritual is frayed, wondering aloud, "What was it all for?"

As it stands, I'm at a crossroads. I face important decisions that will impact the rest of my life. I face a change in majors... and possibly a change of schools. I face the daunting task of deciphering where my heart is leading me in regards to friendships and relationships, between what is fulfilling and what is a facade. It really feels like life has come down to four walls, and they're closing in around me.

This marks an end to depression. Now comes Hope.

I've always believed the old cliche that "everything happens for a reason." It's only cliche because it's completely true. When I look back on my life, I am amazed that I'm not much worse off than I am, to say nothing of even being alive. There have been so many times where things could have- SHOULD have- been the end of me, but here I am. The only logical conclusion for this is not luck, no one gets that lucky. No, the only reason that makes sense is that I have been led thusfar, guided and guarded by One who knows the road far better than I (and thank goodness for it, too). I admit, sometimes it's hard to remember that: life has a way of clouding things, making you forget the truth you know. Yet even the mightiest storm must end sometime, and when it clears there is a bright, new day ahead. The only thing you need to decide... Who's going to pilot your ship through the storm?

And now, for something completely different:


Ok, admittedly I used to live in Iowa... but that was a looooooooooooooooooooong time ago. Also, I am not my father. Nanook of the North over there walks around in this weather in shorts. Not me. I like to be comfortable. This weather, while a nice break from the sweltering summer, is a bit more than the Texas winters I'm used to. What have I gotten myself into???


Granted, he's my roommate, and sits on the other side of the room from me while I write my posts, but...
IT'S A START >:( let me have my celebrations.

Two more weeks and I'm done with school... I don't know how to feel about that, honestly. College is so weird....

Anyway, hope everyone has a great start to their week.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,

The Wayfaring Stranger

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Fool," said my Muse to me, "look in thy heart, and write."

Ok, technically Sidney was writing a letter to his love, not a blog posting, but the concept is rather the same. I have the hardest time sometimes sitting down and writing about something. Some would say that I have to wait for "inspiration" to strike, but frankly, my "inspirations" come when i'm not able to put them down on page. So the only alternative is to hunt for them. And, taking Sir Sidney's advice, I look into my heart to find the words. The problem is, there's a LOT in there. Most of which I'm not about to put online for the world to see. However, I did finally find something that is worth taking the time to write about. So here you are, another late-night musing:

One of my biggest challenges is expectation. In particular, my expectations of God. It's a rather classic scenario: it's easy to trust when things are going right, but when they get tough... so does the trust. Here's how it usually goes: I have a problem, so naturally I ask God to guide me through the problem. At first, things go as I would like them to, so I have no problem trusting that it'll all work out. Then I hit a speedbump, usually a big one, that knocks me away from my expected outcome. At that point, I find myself wondering why God would let me get my hopes up, only to see them burn before my eyes. I'm sure this is a situation that most people encounter at some point in their lives, and right now it's my turn.

I have come to the conclusion that the problem is that I'm transferring my expectations onto what is planned for me. In my mind, the outcome I want seems to be perfect, so why not let it be so? I have seen, however, that in hindsight the outcome I wasn't expecting is better for me. Clearly, this is why I'm not in charge. The reason I struggle, despite that knowledge, is because I want results ASAP. I admit, I'm fairly impatient, and like things to happen when I want them to. So when things don't happen as quickly as I THINK they should... you guessed it, I get impatient.

I suppose the point of all this is to solidify for myself, in words, the realizations I have come to:

1.) God always knows what is best for you, and he will make sure that you reach what you need, so long as you trust him to do so.

2.) God doesn't work on your schedule. He makes things happen at their appointed time, and it's your job to faithfully wait for that moment.

3.) God's sole purpose is not to make you happy. He's there to make sure that you reach the destination that is best for you, not necessarily the one you think is right.

So, in short, I'm learning to give over control, and not to let my expectations cloud the final goal.

This concludes my theological musings for the night.

Now, on to other... stuffs. Shenanigans. Goings-on. Whatever word you wish to use.


Ok, I've got a rather powerful resistance to stimulants. I'm the kind of guy who downs two Monsters and goes straight to bed. But tonight, I got a Mountain Dew at OnCue, and put energy shot in it...

I. Am. Shaking. I have come to the conclusion that that was NOT a good decision. So a word of warning: Do not take the most caffeinated drink they have, and add additional stimulant to it. It's bad for you. 

I can't believe it's already past 3... it feels like it's a lot earlier... I blame the Energy/Death Cocktail.

Well... that's all I've got, folks. Thank goodness it's the weekend. To all who took the time to read this (and those who didn't too), may the Lord bless you this week, and may you follow Him faithfully.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance, 
The Wayfaring Stranger

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm Back, Friends

Well, the Thanksgiving festivities are over. I would have blogged about Thanksgiving and being thankful and stuff, but... well, I downloaded a trial version of EVE Online, and I literally played till five in the morning. CONSISTENTLY. I may need to seek professional help for that problem, but that is beside the point.


Yes folks, I'm back on campus, and as such feel that it is time to once more take up my pen- er, keyboard- and write.

This time around, I don't have any really insightful, Truth-filled message for you to think about. Tonight (or this morning, if you will) I just plan to talk about whatever comes to my mind... so here goes.


Now, allow me to elaborate... I actually missed the actual ceremony. The pomp and circumstance surrounding lighting up the campus, while interesting, wasn't the big picture. The attraction of that event for me was seeing the lights and realizing... it's almost that time again.

For those that don't know me, Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love how the weather gets cold, the decorations go up, and everyone gets this certain... feeling to them. Everyone knows, the best time of year is almost here. For my part, I love Christmas music. Whether it's classic carols or my beloved Nat King Cole CD, Christmas music is near and dear to my heart.  I derive some of my greatest pleasure from music. When I listen to it, it flows through me, taking control of thought and emotion. When I make it, it taps into a joy like no other. Point being, I LOVE MUSIC. So you can imagine how I enjoyed caroling last night with some very dear friends of mine.  Yes, we did get lost a time or two... but we also sang together, listened to crazy jams in my car, and enjoyed the company of each other and music. It was a magical experience. Second best night of college so far (sorry friends, Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert still takes the cake). It really put me in the Christmas spirit. My only regret is knowing that I won't be spending my actual Christmas with them, as we all return to our individual homes and families, but we'll be together in spirit.

Finals week approaches! Translation: we are going to drain every last ounce of energy and joy from your life for a week, so that you can be all the more excited for the freedom when you're done.
Ok, that wasn't a totally accurate assessment... as a Theatre major, I do next to nothing in the way of finals. However, I do have some, and they are looming. Be prepared!

I also have to make an apology to one I love dearly, whom I have not been very attentive to recently. So here goes:

My Dearest,
My heart is filled with regret for disregarding you so these past days. I find myself thinking about you all day, wishing to spend my nights with you. I long to feel your warmth and softness. I pray that you will receive me and my apologies with open arms, that I may rest in your embrace. My dearest Bed... will you have me back?
Your Wayward Lover,

And THAT, folks, is what happens when you stay up too late consistently: you write classic love letters to inanimate objects. How cute. Hope my parents don't read this and check me into therapy...

And, on that note, I shall call it a night. My bed calls, and tomorrow is an early morning for me. Hope everyone has a great couple of days, and look for more posts as the week goes on.

Grace and Peace be yours in abundance,
The Wayfaring Stranger